Daewoo - Car Manufacturer

Sales Presentation & Application Development

Within the car fleet market, Daewoo wanted to improve conversion of first meetings to second meetings.

Sales opportunities were being lost because their prime USPs were being obscured by other issues covered in a meeting. To rectify the situation, and give a helping hand to some newly recruited representatives, Daewoo commissioned the Communications Group to produce an interactive laptop presentation. The fact we could ‘labour’ their USPs within the presentation meant that they were unlikely to be overlooked or forgotten.

Our cross-industry experience and in particular our experience with Compaq, gave us an insight into how the tool could be further enhanced. We suggested adding extra functionality to the presentation whereby the representative could call up the cost of ownership of the prospect’s current fleet from an underlying database and then, alongside, create a list of Daewoo alternative cars with the comparative costs.

A total at the bottom of the page would then show the ‘Daewoo Difference’ which proved to be a powerful call to action. The fact the underlying database was provided (each month) by an independent source within the auto industry could only help the credibility of the figures shown.

Multimedia Presentation / Application Development of Business Analysis Tools